AG-GO-Limited - Tracking


What does Track & Confirm show?

Enter your tracking number to see the status of your item. If you shipped with AG-GO-Limited, you'll get point-by-point tracking details. If you used another service, you'll see when it went out for delivery.

Notice: AG-GO-Limited authorizes you to use AG-GO-Limited tracking systems solely to track shipments tendered by or for you to AG-GO-Limited for delivery and for no other purpose. Any other use of AG-GO-Limited tracking systems and information is strictly prohibited.

How Track Works

Our tracking system is updated daily to provide you with the most current information available about the location and status of your item.

If your item was mailed within AG-GO-Limited, you'll be able to find out:

  • When your order was created in our system
  • When your item was received by AG-GO-Limited
  • When your item was delivered, or:
  • When a Delivery Notice Card was issued to notify the recipient that the item is available for pick-up